The Elle-vation Coaching Community

Mar's Musings on the Elle-vation Coaching Community

I hope last week's Aha insights on money sparked something within you. It's been wonderful hearing from some of you and continuing our journey of exploring our relationship with money and the awakenings it brings.

This week, I'm excited to reopen the doors for “Elle-vation”, an opportunity for women seeking support in bringing their projects to life. I firmly believe in the full cycle of money: earning from what you love, utilizing it in your lives, and investing it in alignment with your values.

For women, especially mothers, making aligned money can be challenging. Often, our true soul callings don't neatly fit into conventional business models. That's where the Elle-vation group comes in. We gather weekly to support each other, working in harmony with our natural rhythms.

Our journey in Elle-vation is like a mastermind, where we hold each other accountable, provide motivation, and push each other forward. It's about creating a community where we can reflect objectively, receive support, and stay motivated.

If you're a woman with a project waiting to be born, I invite you to join us. The doors are open, and I'm welcoming a new intake of women for a three-month journey of concretizing their visions and bringing them to fruition.

The essence of the Elle-vation community is to uplift women and empower them to share their unique gifts with the world. Whether you're creating altars, organising retreats, coaching, or innovating in ways yet unseen, your passion is needed…

I want to celebrate you and encourage you to share your budding flower with the world. Finding alignment with your purpose not only benefits us but also allows us to show up fully for our children. It's about finding balance and fulfilment in both our work and motherhood.

If any of this resonates with you, please reach out. Let's explore if Elle-vation is the right fit for you, and together, let's continue creating and sharing our projects with the world.

With warmth and encouragement,



Motherhood & my son's 4th birthday inspiration


Money Aha Moments