Let go to let come

Mar's Musings on let go to let come

For this week's Musings, I've been reflecting on the theme of closing chapters to open new ones, making space for fresh beginnings. It brings me back to my days in finance when I embarked on my meditation journey. I vividly recall my teacher's advice to start with just five minutes a day. Despite my initial resistance, I embraced a simple invocation—a violet flame—that I recited on my way to work. Little did I know, that small ritual would pave the way for significant transformations in my life.

Every time we transition to a new level, welcoming new opportunities, we must release the old to make room for the new. It's about letting go to let it come, as Otto Scharmer beautifully puts it. Currently, I find myself in such a transformative phase, evaluating projects and offerings, discerning where to focus my energy and what needs to be shed to welcome the new.

Trust plays a vital role in this process. Trust in the flow of life, trust in yourself, and trust in the timing of letting go. It's not always easy, I understand. But sometimes, letting go is necessary to create space for growth and new possibilities. As we approach the equinox, a time of balance and renewal, I invite you to consider what you're ready to prune back in your life and what seeds you wish to plant for the future – especially in this spring season.

This is your opportunity to consciously shape your path, to decide where you want to go and what you want to manifest. Embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead, knowing that each step you take opens new doors and unveils new horizons.

As we celebrate the spring equinox on March 21st in Lisbon, may you find inspiration in this season of transition and renewal. I eagerly await hearing from each of you about your journey, your insights, your dreams, and what space you're making for the new.

With warm wishes for a beautiful week ahead,



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