Happy New Year

Mar's Musings Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

I trust you had a wonderful celebration as you welcomed 2024. Whether you engaged in celebrations, rituals, spent time with friends and family, or had moments of reflection alone, I hope the transition into the new year was beautiful for you.

If you're participating in the Rauhnächte rituals, may you have insightful realisations and set intentions that resonate with your heart. As we step into this new cycle, my wish for you is to have clear intentions, goals, and a sense of direction. Life is a dynamic interplay of flow and structure, and finding the balance between the two allows us to navigate our journey.

I'm excited to embark on a journey of new awareness around money, and I'm inviting you to join me. Financial goals are crucial for women, providing a foundation for freedom, choice, and awareness of life's possibilities. It's about rewriting the narrative of women and money, breaking the binds of the past, and setting a new story for the future.

Starting this week and continuing for the next few weeks, Marika and I will be sharing tips, insights, and intentions around money on Instagram Live. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to join us and take part in the discussion. If you're part of the little challenge, engage with it as an opportunity to reflect on your finances.

My call to you is to begin your journey toward financial freedom as a woman. Make it one of your intentions for the year—get financial clarity, take control of your budget, review your accounts, and start crafting a plan for your future.

Let's all learn and grow together. We're on a collective journey of discovery, and I wish more women would join in, celebrate each other, and liberate themselves from systems that aim to keep us small. Trust yourself to live the life of your dreams and make choices that align with your intentions…

May 2024 be a year of transformation, energy harnessing, and the realisation of your dreams. 

Sending big kisses and love for this new cycle. I'm excited about sharing more of this journey with you. 

Feel free to share your intentions, goals, and what you'd like to benefit from this year. Let's walk this path together and bring our shared reality into the world.

Wishing you a fantastic start to the new year. Until we cross paths again soon, and thanks for your ongoing support. 

I am thrilled to invite in and celebrate what 2024 has in store for us all ✨️

Warmly Mar 


Starting 2024 on the right foot


Year End Gratitude